GLAM™ is our laminated glass panel with encapsulated materials. Laminated glass panels are offering durability, safety and endless design possibilities
GLAM panels allow you to create sophisticated and cutting-edge design for both interior and exterior applications, featuring UV and moisture resistance while offering an acoustic barrier.
Fabrics, metallic, organics, prints, papers, colors etc. are only a few of the materials we can use. Depending on your demands, we can use standard float glass or tempered. External or internal use.
GLAM™, συγκολλημένοι πολυστρωματικοί υαλοπίνακες (laminated glass, triplex, securit) με εγκλωβισμένα υφάσματα, χαρτί, μέταλλα, οργανικά υλικά κτλ.